ga bisa lah ini..
ga ngerti deh kenapa bisa dibuat peraturan bea masuk segitu gedenya.. 23.75% cuy..
belom pajak nonton ke daerah yang besarnya 10-15%..
mau apa sih?
coba yaa kita bayangkan dampaknya, kalau bener Motion Pictures Associations (MPA) gak lagi distribusiin film kesini. Bioskop akan sepi.. jelas karena film Indonesia ini belum stabil.. lagipula, Hollywood itu udah kayak kiblat perfilman seluruh dunia lah.. Namanya juga kiblat, masa mau ditiadakan sih.
Terus berarti yang namanya DVD akan semakin banyak yang beli.. apalagi yang bajakannya.. terus nanti.. akan banyak layar tancep yang muterin film dari dvd bajakan di lapangan parkir luas yang gedee.. trus nontonnya dari mobil-mobil, atau bisa juga gelar tiker..
Cineplex dan Blitzmegaplex apa kabar yaa nanti?
Sekarang gini deh, apa pemerintah Indonesia itu sudah merasa mendukung perfilman Indonesia? apa pemerintah Indonesia sudah banyak membantu filmmaker yang berbakat untuk ikut festival-festival ke luar negeri?
apa pemerintah Indonesia memberikan kemudahan sineas-sineas untuk berkarya?
Setau saya, mereka yang bisa pergi festival ke luar negeri, yang film nya banyak ditonton orang karena promosi gila-gilaan.. itu adalah cucuran keringat mereka sendiri.. dan tentunya, pemerintah masih belum memberikan perhatian yang besar untuk dunia perfilman..
Kalau kita mau ngomongin soal dampak, pasti yang lebih banyak adalah dampak negatifnya..
bayangin aja kalau bioskop sampai gulung tikar... karena penonton jadi sedikit.. berapa banyak orang pengangguran..?? trus nasib filmmaker gimana? sekarang ajaa nasibnya udah gila-gilaan.. kalo ga ada wadah untuk bisa menampung hasil karya mereka gimana?
FILM indonesia itu masih kayak baby, masih butuh 'orang dewasa' untuk bisa bertumbuh dan berkembang.. coba aja, masa bayi mau dibiarin hidup sendiri tanpa ada orang dewasa yang ngurusin.. kan gak bisa.. Dengan adanya film Hollywood yang mostly bermutu dan digarap dengan serius, film Indonesia kan bisa belajar dari film tersebut.. profit dari film Hollywood itu sendiri juga membantu film Indonesia untuk bisa tetap survive di pasaran Indonesia sendiri..
Coba deh tanya ke anak muda jaman sekarang.. berapa banyak orang yang lebih memilih nonton Harry Potter daripada film Hantu Jembatan Layang misalnya...... (Ya Kan?!)
Bioskop itu juga tempat hiburan yang gampang dan gak terlalu mahal kan.. seluruh kalangan bisa menikmatinya.. berapa banyak keluarga yang hobinya nonton film di bioskop.. berapa banyak yang bisa menambah keakraban mereka dengan nonton di bioskop.. berapa banyak yang jadi punya jodoh gara-gara nonton di bioskop.. berapa banyak yang bisa nambah teman baru atau sahabat gara-gara nonton di bioskop.. berapa banyak yang mengubah dirinya menjadi lebih baik gara-gara nonton di bioskop..
dan selama ini.. film-film Hollywood yang ditayangkan di Bioskop Indonesia kan sudah disaring sedemikian rupa sehingga masih layak untuk disaksikan kita semua..
Kasian aja gitu sama orang-orang luar negeri yang lagi tinggal di Indonesia, mereka gak bisa nonton film favorit mereka di cinemas..
jadi negara yang tertinggal mungkin nantinya..
ayolah, coba dipikir lagi pejabat yang berwenang..
masa iyaa, ga bisa ditekan bea masuk nya..?
apa gak ada cara lain, selain itu? masa sih?
coba deh disimulasikan sendiri gimana kalo ga ada film hollywood di Indonesia, dengan kondisi perfilman Indonesia masih gak stabil gini..?
padahal aku tadinya berpikir, Indonesia nantinya bisa seperti negara asia lain yang memperoleh devisa dari film-film yang diekspor.. kalo kita tertutup dari film luar negeri apalagi hollywood, kita mau punya comparison darimana? mau mengembangkan diri bagaimana caranya..
admit it, kita masih butuh film Hollywood..
ya kaan paak .. buu..
FROLIC means: Feeling, Reality, Obsession and Love In Commemoration. (to reveal my heart explosion)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
lets buy some books
i really want to buy this book..
i copy this picture from diana rikasari's blog (dianarikasari.blogspot.com) but she didn't tell much about this book in her blog.. so i really curious, what does this book about?
but i had a feeling, because one of my best friend prils said that maybe this book is good for new worker like me. yeaah... i believe, every new worker ( i kinda feel like i typed new yorker bahahaha) have to read this book. ouh damn.. i only get few information while googling it:

ohh, and this is the review from the publisher: (http://www.leadershipnow.com/leadershop/9780470147689.html)
The work world is full of toxic people—whine and cheesers, backstabbers, steamrollers, zipper lips, needy weenies, and know-it-alls. Life is just too short to let difficult people drive you nuts in the office. If you want to decontaminate the toxic people in your workplace, this practical guide to office survival will show you how to do it before they suck the life out of you.
This enlightening guide gives you the skills you need to deal with toxic people. Stop doubting your own capabilities and sanity. Don't let them win! Instead, use the survival tactics you'll find here to turn ugly situations with toxic people into a tolerable day at the office—without resorting to hostile or aggressive tactics.
In Toxic People, Marsha Petrie Sue offers unique and practical solutions for dealing with difficult people and the conflict and miscommunication they often aggravate. Using real-life case studies and real-world strategies, Sue shows managers and employees alike how to take personal responsibility for their work environment and take the lead in fostering teamwork, morale, and success. Take charge and decontaminate your office with:
hmmmm, is it interesting?
okay, so i just have to hunting this book.. hmmm.. gramedia, times, or aksara..
lets see..

but i had a feeling, because one of my best friend prils said that maybe this book is good for new worker like me. yeaah... i believe, every new worker ( i kinda feel like i typed new yorker bahahaha) have to read this book. ouh damn.. i only get few information while googling it:
Retail Price: LS Price: $16.95 You Save: $8.00 (32%) Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours Format: Hardcover, 240pp. ISBN: 9780470147689 Publisher: Wiley Pub. Date: September 21, 2007 Average Customer Review: |
ohh, and this is the review from the publisher: (http://www.leadershipnow.com/leadershop/9780470147689.html)
The work world is full of toxic people—whine and cheesers, backstabbers, steamrollers, zipper lips, needy weenies, and know-it-alls. Life is just too short to let difficult people drive you nuts in the office. If you want to decontaminate the toxic people in your workplace, this practical guide to office survival will show you how to do it before they suck the life out of you.
This enlightening guide gives you the skills you need to deal with toxic people. Stop doubting your own capabilities and sanity. Don't let them win! Instead, use the survival tactics you'll find here to turn ugly situations with toxic people into a tolerable day at the office—without resorting to hostile or aggressive tactics.
In Toxic People, Marsha Petrie Sue offers unique and practical solutions for dealing with difficult people and the conflict and miscommunication they often aggravate. Using real-life case studies and real-world strategies, Sue shows managers and employees alike how to take personal responsibility for their work environment and take the lead in fostering teamwork, morale, and success. Take charge and decontaminate your office with:
- Seven simple lessons for office survival
- Six major types of toxic people and how to recognize them
- Keys to identify the behaviors that drive you crazy and what to do
- The right words to defuse situations and defang toxic types
- Tips on recognizing lies and insincere behavior
- Case studies and true stories on dealing with almost any toxic situation
- Guidance on developing a positive attitude that rubs off on others
- Tools to develop a dynamic, productive environment
- And other skills and tips to keep you and your office conflict-free
hmmmm, is it interesting?
okay, so i just have to hunting this book.. hmmm.. gramedia, times, or aksara..
lets see..
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