*Ahh pingin nulis pake bahasa inggris jadinya.. hehe
So, i thought that i couldn't see this concert. Because my friend already bought POND's and changed that to the tickets.. and mine not counted to those tickets. But, however, some of my friends canceled their arrival to the concert, and suddenly my mom allowed me to watch that concert (it's like it is mean to be.. like fate) and... officially, i said i will go to the concert to Ina, my friend who's been really in love to Dashboard Confessional since her junior high school. (Just like how my feeling to weezer..hiks) So we planned to go to the Venue (Senayan) together on 29th may,2010. I was in Jakarta that day, so Ina and friends waited for me to come at somewhere in Pancoran..
We are all so excited when we arrived to the venue, not to mention Ebonk who's been late for Zigaz performance.. Ebonnk we are so sorry.. :(
It's already 5.30 pm when we together entered the gate, so the event called a break for like 20 minutes. After we bought some foods and beverages, because we are hungry and thirsty, leaded by Ebonk we slowly walked through the crowd, like a snake, till we are in front of the stage!!! Really in front of the stage!!!! even i could touch the security border!!
We have to go through the Changcutrangers that really crazy, they dance like mad..but whatever.. its a LIVE concert anyway.. and we have Randi who's been guarding us all time at concert. SO i have no worry at all. Thank you so much Randi :) We danced, we've been crazy.. for that time.. Nidji was cool last night. Giring (Vocal) finally showed me some charm at the stage, i never that like into Nidji, but i really love their performance last night. He did that.. the moshing. ohh its cool.. and he is really charming..
The MC were soo wasted time.. but that's not their fault, except they DIDN'T know the DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL's SONGS. I must say, It's a shame, really. I would say for a better mc, that they should do some research before working on the stage, at least they know 1,2 or 3 songs of them. OH GOD, how come they didn't do some research. And, also they did some jokes to the stage staffs.. but maybe for me it's a lil bit cheesy..
After we all keep silence because we're so boring to the MC.. hahaahaha.. finally they said that sentence, 'Ponds teen concert present Dashboard Confessional...' i know that time,, that my friend Ina,, she is so excited.. finally her dream come true.. Watch her idol, LIVE.. I see her face, her excited-face, her dream-come-true-face.. it's so nice, i feel like i was happy too.. The first song was Don't Wait..
Really.. its cool.. after that song, i have to admit, that i didn't know much songs.. But again, Ina sings alllllll songs.. except of course the weezer's El scorcho! Chris Carabba said before sang that song, it is their friend that told them to come to jakarta.. (and that time, i have not realized yet)

I don't remember enough, how many exactly Dashboard Confessional sang the songs that night..But, my friend, Wina, told me that she's been counting, that was 15 songs! ooopss Not 15, INA just said to me when i was typing this post.. that was 17 songs.. or maybe 18!!!!!!!!
Of course included Vindicated, Belle Of The Boulevard, Hands Down, Learn from Disaster, I know about you, ohh they are so awesome..

Chris Carabba proved that he is a nice uncle.. a really sweet person..
After, DC suddenly say thank you.. and went to backstage.. and we all think.. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE.. and we started to scream: WE WANT MORE..WE WANT MORE...
and suddenly again.. they came..to the stage.. he took his nephew's school project and took our picture with it.. because he said that his nephew asked him to take a picture with it at the far place.. as far as possible.. and he said that jakarta is the place where he thinks far enough.. I remembered how ina's face after Chris Carabba took a picture of us.. the audiences.. "Oh My GODDDD!!! CHRIS CARABBA TAKE MY PICTURE!!! OHH MY GOD!!" hahahha.. it was so unbelievable feeling for her..and i really happy too..
Finally, That awesome performance closed by Hands Down.. i thought of that so..Because many of us like that songs.. and it is the fact that.. we only know few songs.. and hands down is the most wanted song i think..and finally.. the fire on the stage was come.. and...
There was a fireworks too at closing!!!!!!! OHH HOW I LOVE FIREWORKS.. i smile.. for a moment.. i feel so silence when i watched fireworks..
We all really have fun that night..But, Poor Randi... he got his phonecell lost... :( :(
i hope randi will get a better Phone!! the more high-tech phone!!
And, after we get to the car to going home.. that time.. when we talked about the concert..Lele told me.. the saddest fact.. Weezer has come to jakarta. THAT'S WHY CHRIS CARABBA SANG EL SCORCHO.. :'( ... i'm happy to watch DC. BUT I REALLY WANNA CRY that i have absolutely no idea when WEEZER came to jakarta!!! :(
I really sad! hiks...
Well GOD.. is it too greedy for me if i asked WEEZER once again to come to jakarta? I REALLY WANT TO WATCH THEIR LIVE CONCERT.. :( :(
last night was my first time experience to attending the live concert of rock band.. and its unbelievable-awesome-feeling.. i couldn't tell how happy and exciting i was.. but its really GREAT!!!! Finally i know why they all spend so much money to but a foreign band ticket. Because it is. The feeling. The charm of them. The experience to see them perform. A good band must be performed AMAZING at their LIVE concert. Aaaaahh.. finally i experienced this feeling.. I am so happy.. SO excited.. and oh no.. im addicted..

I really thanked to Ina.. who care for asking me.. if i want to take the ticket to watch dashboard confessional with her and friends.. :) :) who let me experienced my first time live concert.. :) Inaa.. thank you :) really :)
here is her blog: http://aqmarina-andira.blogspot.com/
i bet she posted a looooong story of dashboard confessional..
ohhh how lucky she is..
GOD.. please hear my pray.. i want Weezer.. and coldplay too..
*am i sure im not greedy?*
iraa, gue terharu bacanya. puas,puas, puas. mimpi gue jadi kenyataan. ayo ra, berdoa yang kuat, ntar didenger Allah dan weezer akan datang. aminnn.
hihihihihi.. iyaa inaaa... amiiiiiiiiiiiiin walaupun kata yg buat fb nya fans weezer di indonesia si rivers cuomo ga mau ke indonesia.. dan blom ada rencana ke asia. :(
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