Friday, January 14, 2011

accepting who they are

and you will feel that everything is fair..

Setiap aku bangun dan kerja tiap hari, masih memikirkan apa yang ingin aku lakukan, ditambah segala tekanan dari diri sendiri, pasang target yang tinggi untuk diri sendiri..


saat-saat bisa menulis apapun yang aku mau kayak gini emang bikin aku ngerasa lega.. hehehehe

and now, i want to talk about accepting.

accepting everything.. could be people, could be fate.

we all have problems with accepting, realized or not.. those because we all have set our target, our dreams, our expectation. in fact, what we can really control in this world?
dont ever think you can control anything. nope. you are just lucky, with your forecasting, and analyzing. but, beyond that, there is something bigger.. God. of course.. many people nowadays dont believe spirituality anymore. But I do.

Accepting is hard, accepting means you have to put away all your egos, your stone-head.. and realizing what is in front of you.
Sometimes, you will have to meet, even live with people that you dont like or compatible with.. It will be hard for you. It will be your stress everyday.
Sometimes, your dream just dont come true.. and you will cry, you will devastated, and asked yourself what is wrong with you. what have you done? or havent done? but that is not your fault.
its just what it is to be..

and you just have no control in it..

at first, you will deny it. you will get angry, you will get sad.
the next step, you will realize it.. that you have other things in you hand.. in front of your eyes..
and with every effort you used, you will accept it..

and those theory, i call it the adaptation.. in your life. and we all.. have to adapt.. to keep survive.
and to show to ourselves.. that we could make it through the rain.. even the storms.

the real thing is time.. and you have to compete with yourself in time. are you a fast learner, are you easy to get up when you are down?

and every story has their perspectives.. and you have to look at the other perspectives.. to make you feel okay, to make you feel that you are not broken yet..

accepting our fate, accepting our new friends as who they are..
and suddenly, this worlds seems like a better place for you..

just like what i just did.


good day friends!


inandira said...

Yup. Setuju banget. Percaya atau ngga, sejak masuk SMA, gue bener2 100% menyerahkan hidup gue pada Allah. Entah karena gue males, atau pasrah, tapi yang jelas gue percaya yang Dia kasih adalah yang terbaik. Hehe.

Unknown said...

Blup2.... Deep inside maksud gw dalem ra... Bener ya ra, gw juga merasa klo Tuhan pasti akan memberikan yang terbaik buat kita...

iraa said...

@ina: wow na.. 100%? its like lo bener2 go with the flow aja ga sii na? hehe how does it feel? pasti tenang yaa..

@lucky: iyaa lucky.. AMIIIIN.. hehehe.. blup blup tu kayak tenggelem ga si.. :p